Act on your Dreams using the Enneagram with Analisa Leaming
In this jam-packed episode, Liz is being interviewed by Analisa Leaming for her podcast, A Balancing Act. Analisa found Liz through Instagram and the two share a lot in common, both actors turned coaches, who left NYC with their families and continue to pursue their soul purposes. Throughout the episode, Analisa and Liz talk about how to determine your Enneagram type, which test to take, and the process of self-discovery. Liz explains the core motivations of each type as well as their emotional virtues and vices. Throughout their conversation, Liz and Analisa share stories of how the Enneagram has helped them follow their big dreams and navigate interacting and communicating with others. Listen to this in-depth episode to learn how the enneagram can be an incredibly powerful tool and how to see beyond the “box” that personality types often lead us to feel trapped in.
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Key Takeaways & Episode Highlights:
Liz’s journey from actor to enneagram coach
Looking at your dreams through the lens of the Enneagram
Recommendations for how to find your type
The Heart Triad: 2, 3, 4
The Body Triad: 1, 8, and 9
The Head Triad: 5, 6, 7
Your unique vice turned to virtue
How to use the enneagram as an acting tool
Follow Analisa on Instagram @analisaleaming
Listen to Analisa’s podcast A Balancing Act
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Imagine what it would feel like to:
Love and accept yourself unconditionally
Have a deep understanding of your own unique personality and gifts
Be surrounded by people who love and support you for who you are
Live a life that is aligned with your purpose and values
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