type five

the observer


I am thoughtful and a keen observer of life. I don’t like being put on the spot, especially when asked about my feelings. It takes me time to process, and I need to respond when I’m ready. I seek knowledge and self-sufficiency. I enjoy researching and tend to be an expert in the areas that interest me. My time, space and energy are very important to me. I am good with setting boundaries, as I like to minimize intrusions or demands made of me. I also value privacy. I appreciate knowing the facts before I commit to taking action.


  • objective

    Your thoughtful consideration can provide others with a necessary perspective shift.

  • knowledgable

    Use your resourcefulness and expertise in research to positively inform others.

  • rational

    Your naturally drama-free approach can be an asset to help others focus on what is necessary.


  • stingy

    You're afraid of being depleted and can be greedy with your time, space, and energy.

  • imposter syndrome

    When you worry you don't know enough, you feel like an imposter and freeze from taking action.

  • private

    Sensitive to others' intrusions and demands, you can be overly private and secretive.


  • Notice when you're hoarding your time, energy and space and see if you can do with less

  • Practice taking action before you know all the facts, realizing that some information can only be discovered through experience

  • Be present with your emotions and share with your loved ones so they can support you

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