type four

the dreamer


I feel things deeply and intensely. Sometimes people think I’m too sensitive or dramatic. It’s important for me to be connected to my loved ones. I like to be seen, heard and understood. I express myself in creative ways and see beauty all around me. It’s easy for me to romanticize the past or idealize the future. I often feel like there’s “not enough,” which leads me to seek an ideal self, relationship or situation. I can easily get disappointed when reality doesn’t match my expectations.


  • authentic

    Your ability to be uniquely yourself is an example for others to embrace their own individuality.

  • creative

    You express yourself in creative ways, making the world around you a more beautiful place.

  • compassionate

    It’s easy for you to empathize with others and make them feel seen, heard, and understood.


  • envious

    You compare yourself to others and end up feeling like you're not enough or too much.

  • melancholic

    You tend to focus on what is missing and have a longing for the self, relationship and situation you desire.

  • moody

    You take things personally, feeling like a victim and struggling to be present or find objectivity.


  • Notice when you're comparing yourself to others and feeling inferior or superior and remind yourself that you are enough

  • Practice gratitude and name what is present whenever you find yourself focusing on what is missing or lacking

  • Balance out your wave of emotions with a meditation or exercise practice

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