type three
the performer
I have a lot of energy to get things done, and I do so efficiently. I’m good at accomplishing my goals and I appreciate when I get recognized for a job well done. It’s easy for me to adapt to my audience, I know what they expect from me and I deliver. I can market myself easily and perform at a high level. I get impatient when others stand in my way of getting things done. Feelings can also get in the way of doing my job. I have a tendency to push myself pretty hard and don’t always know when to stop “doing.”
Your enthusiasm is infectious and when you shine your light on others, they bask in your glory.
You are efficient at completing tasks and achieving results, which sets a leading example for others.
Your natural confidence and belief in your ability to succeed raises the bar of what’s possible for others.
Your identity is wrapped up in what you do, so you have a hard time putting work away.
Winning = recognition for accomplishments, so you often outdo others to get to the top.
You think you can do things better than others and get impatient if they slow down your progress.
Notice when you feel the need to be the “best” or are competing with others around you, and try to enjoy the process
Be honest with yourself about your capacity and allow other people to contribute to the task at hand
Find moments to slow down and enjoy BEING without having to work towards an end goal